Heike Löffler-Schrimpf

Heike Löffler-SchrimpfMy name is Heike Löffler-Schrimpf and I was born in Germany in 1964. Actually I live in Braunschweig together with my husband and my daughter and not to forget my little dog.

Mediation and Coaching is not only my profession – I love it!  I am always thrilled when I experience the positive effect of mediation or coaching on people.

My profession is communication – written and direct interaction and exchange.

After graduating from Hanover in Information Studies (General Documentation), I began at a publishers – Verlag Pergamon Press in Kronberg/Taunus – followed by Pergamon Financial Data Services in London and finally I joined the Volkswagen Group. Since 1993, Ihave been involved in different areas at Volkswagen Financial Services – Marketing and Public Relations and later Human Resources. The focus of my work, however, has always been communication, whether in written form, through direct interaction or exchange with fellow staff or clients. Further education courses, training parallel to my daily tasks, helped me to develop an in-depth approach to all aspects of communication (writing, public speaking, PR and intercultural communication). Other aspects include organisation and time management, project management and personal development. Working with other cultures and in other languages (English and Spanish) has also been an integral part of my work. Consequently, I am open for intercultural mediation as well as coaching based on different cultural backgrounds

From taking personal coaching to becoming a qualified coach.

I have been a mediator since 2013 (in accordance with the standards of the Bundesverband für Mediation e.V. – Federal Association for Mediation e.V.) and since 2014 a systemic coach (in accordance with the standards and the ECA’s, European Coaching Association, profession profile). Both qualifications were attained through the Barbara Knuth & Team Institute in Braunschweig.


Memberships / Collaboration

  1. I am a member of Bundesverband Mediation
  2.  and member of theRegionalgruppe Mediation Braunschweig
  3. Cooperation with the Volkshochschule Braunschweig –
    Mediationsbüro Akademie Alte Waage
  4. I am a certified leader for the original Success Teams created by Barbara Sher  – www.wishcraft.com