How to find out what you really want

A “Start Workshop” for your Dreams

Workshop programme

  • Recognising who you are: your wishes, talents and natural gifts
  • Discovering which professional path will make you happy
  • Filling your dreams with new life

Following the successful team method developed by American career and life coach, Barbara Sher, you will be working together with other participants. Her book, “Wishcraft – How to get what you really want“ is considered a classic in the field, selling over a million copies worldwide.

The secret behind the success-team method

Inspired through simple but highly-effective exercises, you will find yourself in a team of like-minded people to help you find your true wishes and goals.

Once you have determined your new course of action, it will become much easier through team support than alone to take the initial steps. Regular team meetings will also help you to stay on track when everyday concerns start to detract you. Step by step, team session by session, you will make progress– at your own speed and following your own way.

When and where?

Success Team Workshops with four to six participants include eight meetings on a weekly or fortnightly basis. The workshop will result in a team that can also continue on its own.

First pointers to your dreams and talents are available in an online guide:

“Everyone has unique gifts and talents.
What you love is what you’re gifted at.
To be completely happy, to live a completely fulfilled life, you have to do what you love.”

Barbara Sher